Geoffrey Brown

Senior Aviation Advisor
Australia - Aviation Advisors
+61 (0)7 54482 788
PO Box 5016
Sunshine Coast MC, Queensland 4560 Australia

About Geoffrey

Geoff started his pilots career in the late 70's. He ventured into aircraft maintenance in 1980 with Skywest Airlines. He has since accumulated over 30 years of experience and has held positions of Charter Pilot, Agricultural Pilot, Chief Pilot (Ag. and Charter) as well as LAME and Chief Engineer for various companies. He holds Australian Fixed and Rotary wing Commercial Pilots Licenses as well as Australian LAME and PNG LAME, IA and Maintenance Controller Ratings.

Geoff is a certified ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor. Geoff lives outside Ingham in North Qld.


 +61 (0)7 5448 2788
 +61 (0) 439 031 654
 P.O. Box 676, Coolum Beach, Queensland, Australia, 4573